
BrainMatters - Fall/Winter 2018

Baycrest Health Sciences & Baycrest Foundation Publications

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BRAINMATTERS OFFERS THE LATEST IN RESEARCH AND CARE FOR COGNITIVE WELL-BEING AND HEALTHY LIVING FROM THE BAYCREST FOUNDATION. TO CONTACT US, PLEASE ADDRESS COMMENTS OR IDEAS TO THE EDITOR AT: BAYCREST FOUNDATION, 3560 BATHURST ST., TORONTO, ON M6A 2E1 • 416-785-2500 X 5527 • DONATIONS@BAYCREST.ORG • CONTRIBUTORS: ANDY LEVY-AJZENKOPF, JOSEPHINE LIM, LAURA MANDELL, SHARI NEPOM, ANNE- MARIE TOBIN, JOHANNA WIETING. FOR MORE ON HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT THE BAYCREST FOUNDATION, PLEASE CONTACT DONATIONS@BAYCREST.ORG OR VISIT BAYCRESTFOUNDATION.ORG. STEVE AOKI PHOTOS: DAVE HOLLAND /CSI CALGARY AND BRIAN ZIFF. Baycrest is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto. BrainMatters FALL/WINTER 2018 5 In this issue Tribute to Stan Feldman The power of dance Innovation and healthy aging Donor-supported programs advance health and well-being The journey to find a dementia cure Scene around town Cooking with the saucy sisters Worried about your memory? 10 20 18 12 17 26 14 23 On the Brain with music superstar Steve Aoki 6

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