Baycrest Health Sciences & Baycrest Foundation Publications
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Enhancing the student learning experience is a high priority for the Centre for Educa on and this was especially important during the past pandemic year when Baycrest, along with all other TAHSN teaching hospitals, paused academic learner placements. This pause placed a heavy burden on the comple on of hospital-based placements and became mission cri cal because taking no students would result in no newly trained professionals and, thus, no health professional staff to meet an already strained healthcare system. The Centre for Educa on worked diligently with our internal stakeholders, as well as with our affiliated educa onal ins tu ons, to safely integrate all students and medical trainees back into appropriate clinical placements at Baycrest. "Because our Pharmacy student placements were cancelled last spring, it had been almost two years since I had a clinical experience. This, coupled with the uncertainty of the pandemic, made me nervous before my placement at Baycrest. However, this feeling melted away instantly when I entered the hospital. From the friendly screeners at the entrance to the abundantly provided PPE and the mandatory weekly COVID-19 test- ing, I felt like Baycrest was doing everything they could to ensure my safety and the safety of the pa ents. Even as a student who would be here for only four weeks, I felt as equally cared for as the senior staff. On top of this, my preceptor, the Pharmacy team, and other staff have all been extremely encouraging; the pandemic certainly didn't interfere with my quality of learning (although, I hope someday to be able to return and see the bo om half of their faces!). Baycrest has been an incredibly welcoming, safe, and suppor ve place to learn. My experience has been amazing, and I highly recommend it to any students considering it as a placement site.'' - Pharmacy Student COVID-19 Student Story 140 students/trainees 44,421 clinical placements hours 94% would recommend Baycrest to fellow students/trainees 92% would recommend their preceptor/supervisor for future student placements 90% said the placement enchanced their understanding of unique needs of older adults Our students responded favourably: Our students responded favourably: April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 Page 2 Suppor ng our academic learners page 2