33 BAYCREST | 2024
"My training at Baycrest has exceeded my expectations in every way. I have received
exceptional supervision from a dedicated, diverse team of psychologists that has
profoundly influenced my development as a clinician. The comprehensive didactic
curriculum has deepened my knowledge on a wide array of foundational topics. As
I begin my career as a neuropsychologist, I know that my work as a clinician and a
researcher will be forever shaped by my training at Baycrest."
- Rebecca Trossman
"As a Spiritual Care student at Baycrest, I've been inspired by the quality of the staff and
their dedication to our patients. From high school co-op students to the most seasoned
professionals, everyone at Baycrest cares for our patients and their families with deep
reverence and gentle care. It is a privilege to work alongside such a devoted team."
- Rabbi Michael Adam Latz