Baycrest Health Sciences & Baycrest Foundation Publications
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I n 2016, the Kunin‐Lunenfeld Applied & Evaluave Research Unit (KLAERU) and the Program Evaluaon Unit (PEU) at Baycrest merged to form the new Kunin‐ Lunenfeld Centre for Applied Research & Evaluaon (KL‐CARE). KL‐CARE is a support and services hub focused on working with healthcare professionals, researchers, trainees, and commercial partners to facilitate and support clinical, applied, and evaluave research at Baycrest. As well, KL‐ CARE will support the acvies of the Canadian Centre for Aging & Brain Health Innovaon (CC‐ABHI), a Baycrest‐led, naonal centre focused on developing, tesng, validang, and disseminang new soluons in aging and brain health. KL‐CARE recognizes that healthcare professionals and clinical researchers oen face experse and capacity challenges in aempng to do research, when faced with their clinical responsibilies and available resources. The KL‐CARE team provides experse and services that span the research spectrum including study/ trial design, research ethics board (REB) applicaons, data collecon, data management, data analysis, and knowledge translaon & disseminaon, including abstract, poster, and manuscript preparaon. During the period of April 1, 2015‐March 31, 2016 (prior to merging), KLAERU and PEU supported more than 30 projects across the Baycrest campus. These projects focused on answering important clinical and applied quesons to improve the care and experience of Baycrest clients and their families. This report will highlight achievements from both KLAERU and PEU, as well as the services and acvies that the new merged KL‐CARE provides. April 1, 2015– March 31, 2016 INTRODUCING KL‐CARE In this issue: KLAERU and PEU by the Numbers 2 KLAERU Project Highlights 4 PEU Project Highlights 8 KL‐CARE Business Model 12 Kunin‐Lunenfeld Centre for Applied Research & Evaluaon (KL‐CARE) Annual Report 2015‐16 "The best care based on the best evidence"