
Brain Matters Magazine - Spring 2017

Baycrest Health Sciences & Baycrest Foundation Publications

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After going through the Baycrest 2046 Challenge, Caplansky said the full realization that cognitive decline or brain diseases like dementia can strip away "cherished memories" from an individual has galvanized him to help in the fight against dementia. He also came away from the challenge a changed person, with a deeper appreciation of what it is like to age. "I know this has increased my empathy for people – either themselves, or as caregivers to someone with dementia or age-related decline. I now see that it's one thing to rationally understand what's happening; it's another thing to actually come close to what that might feel like by participating in this challenge," Caplansky says. Caplansky notes that while Canadians can look around and say "we're an aging society" we also need to recognize we're all going to age. He notes it is a good thing to connect with how one might feel in 30 years' time, and to be able to better prepare for that eventuality. "Empathy is a really powerful and important emotion to live by," he states. "To be able to understand someone when you look at them – in this case an older adult – and be able to feel what it's like to be that person… if I can have some insight about this, maybe I can be a better partner, a better husband, a better son, grandson." To sponsor Caplansky and support Baycrest, visit his personal fundraising page at "It's great to see that Baycrest has done such a wonderful job in the brain research area; being able to offer brain health solutions back to the community." BrainMatters SPRING 2017 7

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