
BrainMatters - Fall/Winter 2018

Baycrest Health Sciences & Baycrest Foundation Publications

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10 BrainMatters FALL/WINTER 2018 A FORCE FOR GOOD: Stan Feldman W hat's the word for someone who embodies the triple attributes of accomplishment, determination and humility? It's two words, actually: Stan Feldman. He was an example of how one community member can make a difference to a whole generation. Stan passed away in May 2018. Born in Hamilton, ON, in 1940, Stan grew up with a love of sports, hockey in particular. From a young age, he was actively involved in Jewish community affairs, serving on the Niagara Peninsula Jewish Youth Council in his teens. Stan attended Osgoode Hall Law School, graduating with a law degree in 1967. He then moved to New York and worked for the United Nations in its international development program. While there, he took night courses to complete an MBA before going on to work in the film industry as an assistant to leaders at MGM Studios and Columbia Pictures. In 1971, Stan moved to Toronto with his wife, Susan, and became involved in provincial politics as an advertiser and direct marketer. He next worked at American Express as VP of marketing while also earning a Master of Laws (LLM) degree from the University of Toronto. In 1988, the Board of Directors of Baycrest in its wisdom hired Stan to replace Sam Ruth (upon his retirement) as the President of the Baycrest Foundation. At the time, Stan did not have much experience with fundraising or knowledge of geriatrics and he was able to persuade Sam to remain involved and mentor him. During Stan's 10-year career at the Baycrest Foundation, with the help of incredible volunteers and staff, he successfully raised millions of dollars to establish the Rotman Research Institute - now one of the foremost entities of its kind in the world – along with the Lunenfeld research centre, the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged, and many other new, innovative programs and services. Stan also engaged young supporters and ushered in a new generation of donors by helping to launch the Baycrest Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer's charity hockey tournament in 2005 and the inaugural Barrie to Baycrest (B2B) bike ride in 1995. Over the last 22 years, the B2B Ride has grown, and hundreds of participants have raised a total of nearly $11 million. Similarly, over its 13 years, the Pro-Am has raised more than $30 million in support of Baycrest. Larry Saltsman co-founded the B2B ride with Stan. Long-time friends, Larry fondly remembers Stan as a man who always put the good of society as a top priority. "I admired him so greatly. No matter how sick he got, he still was on a mission to save the world," Larry says. "It was never about him, it was about 'how can we make this planet better,' no matter how big or small the cause. No matter how much or how little you did, Stan made you feel like you were the most important person. He was one of the kindest, warmest people. Totally selfless. Even in his condition at the end he was an inspiration. He was still able to look at the bright side of life." True to his nature, Stan wanted no spotlight on himself for his remarkable and enduring achievements and contributions to the Baycrest community. (l-r) Larry Saltsman and Stan Feldman Gordie Howe and Stan Feldman at the 2013 Baycrest Pro-Am Hall of Fame Ceremony. an advertiser and direct marketer. an advertiser and direct marketer. (LLM) degree from the University (LLM) degree from the University million. Similarly, over its 13 years, the Pro-Am has raised million. Similarly, over its 13 years, the Pro-Am has raised

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