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The shi to virtual learning became cri cal at the onset of the pandemic when
clinical care moved to a virtual format.
Our Training and Simula on team facilitated virtual sessions to support training for
virtual care using the Simula on Ac vi es for Gerontological Educa on (SAGE)
program. The sessions involved trained, older adults who portrayed individuals such
as pa ents, family members, or caregivers in simulated learning situa ons.
When outpa ents were no longer permi ed onsite at Baycrest, our psychologists had
to shi to virtual neuropsychological tes ng for assessment or treatment. Our SAGE
program worked with the psychologists so they could prac se administering virtual
tests with the trained, older adults who simulated pa ents being tested. Feedback
from both groups was extremely posi ve. The psychologists were grateful for the
prac ce to help them become more comfortable working in a virtual se ng and the
older adult par cipants felt valued and pleased to contribute to the psychologists'
success, apprecia ng the opportunity to work while they were socially isola ng.
• Showcased "…And Ac on" a documentary about the program (YouTube video)
• Blog post: Alsaba N, Sokoloff L, & Smith C. Working with older adult simulated
pa ents (SPs) to deliver effec ve geriatric simula ons
• Engaging Older Adults during COVID-19 and Beyond (YouTube video)
SAGE Team Zooms in to support training for Virtual Care
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Sharing best prac ces through simula on
and healthcare technology