15 BAYCREST | 2024
Promising interventions: Neuromodulation
The new Bresver Neuromodulation & Therapeutics Program at
Baycrest focuses on validating and optimizing novel brain intervention
Non-invasive neuromodulation of the
brain is one of the most promising
treatment strategies for neurological
and neuropsychiatric disorders. It is
increasingly being studied for the
treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Our scientists are currently working on a
number of projects to find the best doses,
location, intensities, and delivery system
that will generate best outcomes in
patients with various neurodegenerative
diseases of the brain:
• Transcranial Direct (and Alternating)
Current Stimulation – a non-invasive
form of brain stimulation that circulates
a very low-intensity current through the
• Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(TMS) – an electromagnetic coil which
uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve
cells in the brain.
• Photobiomodulation (PBM) – involves
the use of near-infrared light to
stimulate cellular function and promote
healing; also known as low-level laser
therapy or light therapy.
These trials in the Bresver Program have the exciting potential of validating and
optimizing breakthrough therapies, bringing science-based and Health Canada-
approved brain stimulation devices and therapy clinics into hospitals, doctors'
offices and people's homes.
Imagine in the not-too-distant future, we could be propelled into a reality where
prevention strategies and new treatments help aging Canadians defy dementia
and keep our brain vitality strong for many more years!